Sunday, May 11, 2014

Video SEO - How To Rank Videos In Google and YouTube

How To Rank Videos In Google and YouTube
Videos are very powerful tools for your business , However most people don`t see results because they Dont Optimize their videos Thus losing thousands of views that Youtube gets. 

6 Steps To Help You Rank  Your Videos.

Step1 : Finding the Right Keyword for Your Video

most people make a mistake of creating videos for any topic that pops up into their head , but what you should be going iscreating Videos based on what people are searching for.
Instead of guessing what people are searching for , you can actually know what they are looking for by Simply Visiting Google Keyword Planner

How To Rank Videos In Google and YouTube

Step2 : Use Your Keyword in your Video Script It`s Important to use your keyword in your video Script , preferably in the first 10 to 30 Seconds , without listing a bunch of Keywords in there , but rather make sure your Script looks normal .
Step3 : Use your Keyword as your File Name

Bofore actually Uploading your video to Youtube , make sure your Keyword is in your Filename  Ex :  " How to Rank videos.Mp4" , gives an idea to both Google and Youtube what our video is about.
Step4 : Use a Proper Title and Descreption
Every Title should begin with your main Keyword and your secondary keyword if needed
in the Descreption  you should include your main keywords and  secondary keyword ,keep your Descreption between 300 to 400 words+ Always put a link to your channel , put the video Url on the top and the buttom of your Descreption , that will give you a Backlink to your Video , dont forget to put your keyword in the beggining and in the end of your Descreption and also dont forget to put your Link to your "Call To Action " on the top so people Can see it and click on it.
Step5: Add propper Tags
DO NOT OVER DO IT , adding a lot of Keywords will make it hard for Youtube and Google to Determine what your video is really about .
Add your main keyword and a few more relevant keywords no more than 7 , and add your channel name as well , this way your videos will be listed in the Related videos field

Step6 : Upload your Transcript 

you can do that buy clicking Caption Button , which is a word for word Descreption of the audio in your video, This is really really really Important to Google and youtube because you telling them what your video is about , DO NOT SKIP IT

Remember The stronger your Channel is the easier its going to be for you to Rank your videos and to do that you need:
Real Views , Real Subscribers , Real likes and comment and Real Social Media Signals like facebook shares , Google1+ , Retweets ect.
and Finally Set It Alive .

New thing is Coming so dont forget to Subscribe and follow my Blog

Saturday, May 10, 2014

How to Get Free Backlinks Pointing At Your Blog

Beofore we get to what kind of Free Backlinks you should be having , let`s dive to what  Backlins are :

are links from other websites  that are pointing to your site , and who ever has  the most quality backlinks Rank in Google or other Search Engines. So if you see a blog that is Ranking on first page of Google its basically because it has the most backlinks and other Social site Signals. with each Backlink it tells Google to Rank your Blog higher in Search Resultes.

The Types of Backlinks : 

Social Signals : Writing a killer Blog post will get you a lot of Social Signals and that includes Facebook shares, Retweets , Google +1 , Social Bookmarking ... make sure you sing up for as many social media sites as Possible ( Pinterest , Temblr , LinkedIn... ) because Google uses them to determine Authority and Vitality.

Web 2.0s : this type of website allows you create a content that link to your website

(dofollow) and pass what its called "Link juice" and that will give you a vote to Rank your Blog Higher in Search Resultes.  Such as : Squidoo , Hubpages
Athority Links :
this links are simply coming from High quality websites ( CNN , BBC ,WIKI... ) in your niche

(getting links from this website known to be very hard )

Basically what Google is Looking for is for you  to build this Links naturally , Ordering 1000s of Baclinks Google will Notice that those links are not genuine thus get your blog penalized.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Psychological Control Techniques / How To Get What You Want ?

Psychological Control Techniques , or mind controlling Techniques   are very important  in any business in order to get people do what you want them to do without them even knowing what`s happening . Mastering this Techniques will get you a better  and faster results in any business you are interested in .
They are many methods to mind controll and Manipulate people.

Psychological Control Techniques

Building Rapport :

 Simply make people trust you and feel comfortable around you  by asking them simple friendly questions : "how are you today ", calling them by their first name  , giving them a genuine compliment and most importantly SMILNG at them, this simple method will have a huge effect on people you are talking to and it will make them put their Psychological weapons and everything you do or say  will be Normal.

Hyponotic words and setenses :
Being a skilled influencer, you need to use the right words. Some of the most powerful psychological control techniques to get what you want are based on the skillful use of language. You can use emotions like guilt to manipulate other people,You can also
get people to act a bit silly, that is an excellent opening for making them susceptible to your hypnotic commands. Then tell them what you want them to do and why. 

But first you have to know what they want before you command them to do what you want.

Psychological Control Techniques when Marketing Online:

 Considering this is a people based industry using the Psychological Control Techniques
are   needed in order to get people to buy what you offer , subscribing to you , or  joining your team ect . So the key here is to give people what they want in order for them to do what you want , thats why its important to give them value and informations they need , before your "Call to Action " 
Use Hybnotic words when marketing to create curiosity and get people excited  such as : DISCOVER , EXPLORE ,SECRETS , HIDDEN , EXPOSE...
They are many other methods to use to Psychology controle people , we just need to take one step at a time.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

TOP 4 Facebook Recruiting Mistakes

If you are new to the internet marketing game then perhaps you have joined many facebook groups and posted your links there , and you have Tagged your facebook friends into your posts without asking their permission first, you have sent your links to random people that you never said "Hi " to .!!
 Chances are you ended up Blocked for atleast a week , and thats a very Long time when its comes to Internet Marketing on Facebook.

Here is TOP 4 Facebook Recruiting Mistakes 

Facebook Recruiting Mistakes

#1 : Posting  on facebook Groups : posting on groups is not as effective as you may think , because most members in those Groups are Spammers and ALMOST every body is Posting links there as well , Think about it , when did you ever enter a group and find your self interested in something !?
My point is ................Dont Do iiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

So please avoid those Facebook Recruiting Mistakes.
#2 :
Tagging people : dont even bother ! Tagging people without or with their permission is not a very good way to generate leads into your business , as a matter of fact is annoying , when you go through your profile and finding someone else post hanging in your profile ! chances are people going to report you and you may end up in Facebook Jail " ......... (You have the right to creat another facebook Profile )

#3 : Posting irrelevant Pictures
Posting pictures of you Holding 100$ dollar Bills : COME ON !1.... this isnt MTV offense to anybody But i have seen people posting  pictures of them selves holding 100$ bills ,. people dont care of you make money unless you willing to make them Money ,

#4 :
Throwing Your links Everywhere Sending Your links in a conversation Right after  You interduce your self is SPAMMING... its like asking a Girl you never met to go out with you...... ** works some times though !!
Take the time to get to know the person instead , Notice something about their profile and connect on that point (e.g. a Picture, comment, car, travel, freedom, kids).

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