Wednesday, May 7, 2014

TOP 4 Facebook Recruiting Mistakes

If you are new to the internet marketing game then perhaps you have joined many facebook groups and posted your links there , and you have Tagged your facebook friends into your posts without asking their permission first, you have sent your links to random people that you never said "Hi " to .!!
 Chances are you ended up Blocked for atleast a week , and thats a very Long time when its comes to Internet Marketing on Facebook.

Here is TOP 4 Facebook Recruiting Mistakes 

Facebook Recruiting Mistakes

#1 : Posting  on facebook Groups : posting on groups is not as effective as you may think , because most members in those Groups are Spammers and ALMOST every body is Posting links there as well , Think about it , when did you ever enter a group and find your self interested in something !?
My point is ................Dont Do iiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

So please avoid those Facebook Recruiting Mistakes.
#2 :
Tagging people : dont even bother ! Tagging people without or with their permission is not a very good way to generate leads into your business , as a matter of fact is annoying , when you go through your profile and finding someone else post hanging in your profile ! chances are people going to report you and you may end up in Facebook Jail " ......... (You have the right to creat another facebook Profile )

#3 : Posting irrelevant Pictures
Posting pictures of you Holding 100$ dollar Bills : COME ON !1.... this isnt MTV offense to anybody But i have seen people posting  pictures of them selves holding 100$ bills ,. people dont care of you make money unless you willing to make them Money ,

#4 :
Throwing Your links Everywhere Sending Your links in a conversation Right after  You interduce your self is SPAMMING... its like asking a Girl you never met to go out with you...... ** works some times though !!
Take the time to get to know the person instead , Notice something about their profile and connect on that point (e.g. a Picture, comment, car, travel, freedom, kids).

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